
Fever in Malta

Well, I'm here for two weeks now, but couldn't do nothing "serious" due to some health issues. No worries, it doesn't mean I was or I am lying on my death bed, just had few bad days. Fortunately there were always some breaks, so I could enjoy the good painless moments of it.
It started last Monday morning when I woke up with a pain in my mouth. I took an aspirin and went back to sleep then visited the beach to get some color if I'm already here. Sadly I had to leave the rock earlier and came to the apartment with tears in my eyes. The pain, yes, came back. Took one more aspirin and decided to go to the dentist untill it's not too late (but obviously it was already too late). So this is how it started. I sat into the dentist's chair despairingly, couldn't even explain him which tooth is the pain coming from. After an X-ray he diagnosed two possible reasons of my pain:
1. an inflammation around my wisdom tooth
2. a tooth with a very deep filling, which is very close to the nerves ( in this case → taking out the nerve)
I think you can imagine (or no, I think you can't) how shocked I was when I heared option number 2. I didn't even want to hear about it, so we agreed, we are going to treat the inflammation with antibiotics and if the pain doesn't go away in few days, option 2 takes effect. 
I came home and literally started to pray, while I was eating the painkillers like M&M's dragées day and night. The story is "funny" because I visited my dentist at home in Slovakia exactly one week before the pain, as I wanted to make sure everything before I leave the country. Who knew this going to happen.
Two days later the aspirins stopped help and I just couldn't wait to night become a day as I knew there is nothing left just to visit the doctor again (who by the way was at least a very nice and kind one and this maybe eased my fear) and let happen what should happen to be. I stepped into the surgery with legs trembling like it supposed to be my day of execution. Maybe it sounds childish (yeah, totally), but I just can't handle the pain and was superafraid of that medical intervention. I'm too scared even of the injection.
While I was just concentrating on my fears and worries these days, I didn't even notice the inflammation in my mouth got worse. So this was the reason of my persistent pain officially. Option number 2 excluded. (THANKS!) Even if I was happy, couldn't feel the happiness as to endure this stronger and stronger pain was harder and harder. Allegedly it was some kind of infection and he tried to disinfect it. With this move he just caused me more pain and you don't even want to know how I was crying walking on the way back home while I was already completely drugged from all of those pills I took that morning. The only thing I wished for was a painless hour just to rest.
But I'm strong and I survived even this pain. The next day I woke up was a beautiful morning with less pain and smaller inflammation. Started as a good day, too bad it ended with fever and sweating in bed. The next days continued with flu: cough, snuffle and fever. Yumi-yumi. The only good thing about this was that the flu was kinda "on and off", so I could devoting myself with spending my time out of the bed. I had at least fun even if every fun ended with fever, sweating and continuous exchange of bed linen. But it worthed for that. The only disadvantage of it was the alcohol ban, what was understandable at this amount of pills. However I hoped one coctail should not cause a problem. So if you want to know how to get drunk in a very easy and cheap way (with one Mojito), just call me, I'll let you know. :)
So this is how I'm actually spending my days (and of course can't forget about my Gossip girl marathon :D). Those who are gloating maybe, can stop immediately, because I'm still fine and enjoying being on the rocks. Anyways it's Monday, which means a new day of a new week and a new start. And those who are interested in my health situation: thank you, I'm getting better.

I'm saying goodbye with this spanish dancy song (one of my new favourits):
And some pictures from the sightseeing tour of the capital, Valletta. Keep in touch till the next post. Bye.
joining the kids to play with the water on the square of Valletta
shower and hairwash
square of Valletta
with Him
panoramatic view from Valletta
waiting for the ferry
a flower and Valletta
me in the sunset
and playing the "sunset card"


  1. hehe, had exactly teh same stuff with my wisdom tooth end of last year... was gone after 10 days and alot of IBUs... good luck

  2. thanks for ur concern dear tim, but its already gone. and it seems even my flu. yuppi :)
