
The Maltese Style

I was just listening some chillin' electro-swing mix, when I discovered this remade video on my Facebook News Feed Wall. Yes, the musicvideo which is spreading around the world coming from the faraway Korea. I'm 100% sure there are millions of lovers and haters of this song, unless it wouldn't be one of the most viewed videoclips on Youtube with 845,756,223 views (current status). I have mixed feelings about the song. I admit, it is a track which is going on your nerves, but on the other hand you can't stop troll the tune. That is the reason why there are new parody videos uploaded daily. Beautiful girls or hot moms dancing with their babies to the coreography, or the classic remakes just as London, Obama, Eastern Europe or Santa Style - just to mention the most famous ones orbitating on Youtube.
All of them are funny and interesting and have lot of views, but the closest to my heart is the Eastern European Style obviously as I'm coming from one of those countries :) ... BUT at the moment, while living my sunny life in Malta my favourit is the Maltese Style of course.
So after this long prelude, let me share with you the mentioned video (with 121,370 views!!!) and tell the facts, why I actually love this tiny island.

Malta is the smallest island in the Mediterranean area with only 316 km2. This makes it one of the smallest states in the world. It is also the most densely populated countries worldwide with 1,306 inhabitants/km2. Since it's full of non-local people, you can find here the world's every nationality. Just like me, the Hungarian from Slovakia. I guess after couple of months staying here I can call the island as my home. Well, ok, let's call it as my Second Home.
While watching the Gangam-Maltese video it was such a good feeling seeing those places and knowing that "yes, man! I was there!" :) Just as an example me in the garden or with the fountain at Valletta square:

But let me show you a real (non-gangam) Maltese style video:
By watching this I have several pictures in my head reminding me why I actually love this place so much and why is everybody literally "stucked" here OR always coming back.
The movie starts with rainy pictures, I know it's not the best start, but continue watching as about Malta everyone knows that it is a warm mediterranean country with lof of fun and sunshine. The pictures from the airport - my happy and sad memories, the first and last place what you see when coming to or leaving from the island and saying "welcomes" or "goodbyes".
But every time after you arrive the first thing you see is the sun, the second is the sea - and this all makes you feel free, happy and satisfied. Malta is a very colorful country. Despite of the grey rain, the sun makes every single picture you shoot full of colors. Yap, the light blue sky, the deep blue sea, the green palms all around, the typical Maltese yellowish bricks and rocks are the things which are giving you a natural colored image. If these objects wouldn't be enough, there are some more things, which are boosting your picture and those are the wooden balconies on every house or building in every possible color and the boats at every single bay. These two things are my personal favourits. Palms, sea and blue sky can welcome you at every seaside place you visit, but colored boats and balconies? C'mon, you know what I mean! :)
What is also very typical for the island are the narrow curlicue roads. I admit driving at these roads (especially after the implemention of the new huge Arriva buses) is not the most comfortable drive. But I don't drive here, hah! Actually the only people who are brave enough to drive are the local Maltese and they are used to it anyways. :) Apropos, if we are talking about driving, guess which side are we driving at? Right? Wrong! One more thing what makes the country more special is the left-side driving, which yes is still driving me crazy sometimes, but still! :D
The beaches from rocks may not seem the most comfortable for sunbathing, but at least your swimming suit is not full of sand, which is let's admit, can be pretty uncomfortable. But at least the water is very clean, so thats why the diving is quite famous and common here. Of course if you wish a sunny beach with lot of people and sunshades on every square meter, you can also find places like that. 
Oh and the Blue Lagoon! I'm sure everyone heared about places called Blue Lagoon. Well, guess what, we have Blue Lagoon as well! Boom! After all during the summer there are regular or party boats going there daily, which is a three hours voyage from the main island. 
It's not accidental, that the island is visited mostly by the youth. You wanna party? Come to Malta! Restaurants open 'till late night and clubs 'till early morning in the famous Paceville with loud music and crowd and the above mentioned party boats give you the possibility to meet new people, new habbits and new languages. Somehow people on vacations are more open to start conversations with strangers. Here everyone is happy, everyone is friendly (everyone is drunk :D) and nobody cares where are you from or which language you speak. You always find here a common language for discussion. 
It is surprising or not, lof of people are coming/moving to Malta because of gambling. It's not a secret that there are several betting companies running really good here, which are ensuring work opportunities for lot of people. Even if you are just a tourist, you can't miss to go for one night to the casino and have fun even if you are losing money - that's what holidays are for, to spend a lot of money! :)
Do you like cats? Then you absolutely have to visit this island! Cats are literally everywhere on the streets. These cats are not running away. The cats are friendly and brave enough for sunbathing on the top of cars or following you begging for food and hugs. 
Does Malta have disadvantages? Of course, just like every place and country has. Arriva buses blocking the traffic, building constructions lasting twice longer than usual, the weird local language which will stay ununderstandable for us forever...  But let's admit, we love the possibility to say: ONLY IN MALTA! :)

I'm passionate about this tiny place and I'm proud of being residental, well for a time undefinite. It's a fact that there are much better and nicer places, but somehow and for some reason we still love this island. And with sunny 20°C degrees before Christmas? Why not? Yes, I like!
With this article I'm also trying to send an invitation to my home-friends for visiting me and the island. Come while I'm here! :) 
Here some tempting pictures from previous posts to consider coming to Malta:
Crazy people 
Panorama from Valletta
Colored balconies
Cats at every corner
Fountain in Valletta
Garden in Valletta 
The special "see half of Malta" spot in Valletta
Party in Malta
Cat village for cat-fans
Panorama about the sunset

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